PP1CZ BEACON BACK ON 50.085 Posted on 01/06/201324/09/2017 By 50mhz With great happiness inform that the Beacon is again in the air. Now with specific equipment for this purpose since last Beacon is in air with the following characteristics: – Call Sign: PP1CZ. – Frequency: 50,085 – Power: 10 to 20 Watts (only in the first days of testing will be 20 Watts, and then dropped to 10 Watts). – Transmitter: specifically manufactured to be a Beacon (equipment very well built), Switched source of Alinco, Model DM-330MV. – Antenna: Vertical 5/8 wavelength. – Message: “VVV DE PP1CZ PP1CZ GG99UQ” followed by 06 letters and before a pause of 1 second for the message repeated. For now the Beacon is in my house, but in a few weeks will be transferred to a fixed address, which should be in the final. Later this weekend I will take pictures of it and put on my QRZ page. Thank you in advance report on who you listen to. My thanks to the friend who helped me in achieving this dream. 73 PP1CZ – Leo. Views: 646 BEACON SOUTH AMERICA
YVØ – Aves Island on 50MHz Posted on 14/08/201614/04/2023 Plans are to depart 31 August 2016 and they will be QRV for about 7 – 10 days with call YXØV, from Aves Island, IOTA NA-020. They plans to be active on 160 – 6M on CW and SSB. According to YV5OK they are trying to put a beacon to… Read More
SOUTH AMERICA YURI UT1FG/MM ALERT Posted on 05/10/201327/09/2017 Frank, K4FEG received an email from Yuri, UT1FG/mm from port in Uruguay. He will be leaving port today and he will be sailing SOUTH to go around the southern tip of South America and will be making port in Chile. He will be taking on loads in 4 ports in… Read More
ZS2X beacon on 50,007 MHz FSK Posted on 08/02/201324/09/2017 The ZS2X/b on 50,007 MHz FSK, that was heard in South Florida on 23rd February 2012, is currently beaming directly at Florida, USA, until further notice. It runs 25 Watts into a two element horizontal Yagi and is located near Port Elizabeth, RSA. The message reads: “V V V de… Read More